What is my IP address?
IP Check
Useful information about your IP address

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Every computer or device that connects to the Internet is part of a network. Data is constantly sent and received within this network. The IP address is similar to individual identification number that allows targeted data exchange. For instance, if you browse a website, your IP address will be transmitted to the web server of the website. The web server then knows exactly where the data from and where to send the data. Our IP Checker shows your public IP address. It is not possible to change an IP address as the IP address is provided by the server. However, restarting the router will cause a new random address to be reissued by the provider.
The IP address is generated dynamically along with every new browsing session by the internet provider. Therefore, every new dial-up will generates a new IP address or at least once a day, so the assignment of IP addresses can be done more efficiently, the dynamic method can take the unused addresses into consideration. Dynamic IP addresses also contribute to website security as they lower the risk of identification and external attacks.
Other than dynamic IP addresses, static addresses are also used — most commonly if the IP belongs to a page, so that websites can be easily found by the users. This is why the Domain Name System (DNS) was established. A domain name like www.mondoze.com is much easier to remember than a number sequence. Each domain name leads to a web server with a fixed IP address.