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What does the Rocket Loader do?

Last modified: October 5, 2022
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What is Rocket Loader?

Rocket Loader priorities your website’s content (text, images, fonts, etc) by deferring all of your JavaScript loadings until after rendering. 

On pages with JavaScript, this results in a much faster loading experience for your users and improves the following performance metrics:

  • Time to First Paint (TTFP)
  •  Contentful Paint (TTFCP)
  •  Meaningful Paint (TTFMP)
  • Document Load

To learn more about the latest version of Rocket Loader visit the blog: Cloudflare

Addition optional configuration:

  • If you have a Content Security Policy, you will need to update it.

It is to allow Rocket Loader to run: What is Content Security Policy (CSP), and how can I use it with Cloudflare?

  • If you have specific scripts you want to not optimize, you can do this by modifying your HTML script tags. How can I have Rocket Loader ignore specific JavaScripts?
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