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How to set up private nameserver for Window server

Last modified: October 7, 2022
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How To Set Up Private Nameserver For Windows Server

For Window server installed Website Panel:

1. Log in to your website panel interface by using IP address: yourserveripaddress:9001.

2. Click on the Configuration tab and choose Server.

3. Select DNS server and update the nameservers then click on Update.

Create A record for private nameservers:

If your domain name will be hosted in your Window server, you may need to update and A record by go to Customers then select your domain name. In this article, the example domain name is

1. Seek for your domain for example by going to the Customers tab.

2. Select the domain name and click the Domain icon.

3 . Click on the domain name under the list and under DNS select Edit DNS zone records.

4. Select “Add Record” for new creation.

5. Please use the format as below:

Record Type: A
Record Name: ns1
IP: yourserverIP

6. Click on Save.

7. Repeat step 5 to add in the record for ns2.

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