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How to Enable Sucuri Firewall Protection

Last modified: October 7, 2022
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How to Enable Sucuri Firewall Protection

Each of Sucuri is comes with a firewall service. To enable firewall protection to your website, you have to point the site domain to Sucuri firewall IP in the domain DNS zone.

Follow these steps to get the Firewall IP.

1. Log in to your client area portal.

2. Click My Services >> My Products/Services.

3. Click Sucuri service.

4. Get your Firewall IP here.

If your domain name is with other providers, you may get the assistance from them to update the domain name

A record to the Firewall IP.

If you registered your domain name with us, and using our Free DNS zone, you may point the domain to Firewall IP with these steps.

  1. Log in to your client area portal.

  1. Click Domains >> Manage DNS.

  1. Click Edit Zone button of your domain DNS zone.

4. Update A record to the Firewall IP. Take note that the DNS changes might take up to 48 hours to successfully propagate.

The Sucuri product page in your client area includes more of these detailed DNS instructions for your reference, including a DNS propagation checking tool.

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