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FAQ – IP change for NS1.NETDNS.NET

Last modified: October 8, 2022
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FAQ - IP Change

Q I dont know whats going on. Can you please explain whats going on and what do I need to do?
A We are updating the IP address of our primary name server – Most domain name registrars will automatically pick up the new IP addresses and there is nothing you need to do. However, in some cases, your registrar will need you to manually specify the IP addresses of your name servers, and you will need to supply them the new IP address of our primary name server through their control panel. You do not need to do anything if you are NOT using “” as the primary name server and if you registered your domain name through us. If you are not sure what is your domain’s name servers, you can check from one of the following sites: For .com/.org/.net or other top level domains: For .sg domains: For .nz domains
Q It is correct that it has to be updated before 30Jun?
A Yes, please update the IP address with your registrar before 30 June 2015, 11.59pm.
Q I am not sure where this server is used. Are you able to advise me? Are you able to tell me the old IP address of the name servers?
A Please note that this IP change affects the name servers of your domain, and it does not affect the server hosting your websites or emails. OLD IP is NEW IP is
Q May I know whose time-zone for 29th May 2015? What is the current IP address of NS1.NETDNS.NET
A We are using Singapore’s time zone (+8 GMT). The current IP address of NS1.NETDNS.NET is
I have a number of websites hosted on your server, including my Google Gmail under my business domain “”. Do I need to do this myself in Plesk for all the domains I own? What do I need to do for my Gmail hosted on my domain?
A The maintenance is not related to Plesk settings of your domain. However, if you have more than one websites/domains under your main business domain “” you will have to check the registration information of all the domains you own. Your Gmail hosted accounts will not be affected if you follow the instruction to change the NS1.NETDNS.NET IP address at your registrar. See question 1 above.
Q Can it be done anytime after the 29th May 2015 but before 30th June 2015?
A Yes. However we advise our clients to do this as soon as possible.
Q When I registered the domains, I never had to input the name servers IP addresses. All I did is to enter “” and “” with the registrar. Does it mean that I do not need to do anything now?
A Most registrars do not ask for the name server’s IP addresses now. If you’ve never been asked the IP address of your name servers by your registrar before, you do not need to do anything.
Q Will there be any downtime for my websites and emails when you change the IP address of your name servers?
We do not expect any downtime.
Q As we do not manage the website ourselves can you clarify what needed to be done from us to sustain the website accordingly?
A If you do not manage the website, please pass the information sent in the email to your web developer / web designer / or IT person. Feel free to let us know if you need any clarifications.
Q   A Can you check you can update IP address for   If you are not sure what is your domain’s name servers, you can check from one of the following sites: For .com/.org/.net or other top level domains: For .sg domains: For .nz domains
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