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Creating cpanel User/Account Level Filtering to discard the Spam mail

Last modified: October 8, 2022
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How To Create cPanel User/Account Level Filtering

1. Open your email client or webmail to get the full email header.

Email client

  • Once get the email may check for the “Return-Path” sources may refer below guideline for view email client header.Example below: The exact email is come from [email protected] therefore may need to discard the email.


  • Once get the email header (Roundcube Horde and Squirrelmail) may check for the “Return-Path” sources.

2. After that, access to your cPanel by accessing the URL as cpanel.domainname/ or domainname:2082/ and click on the Account Level Filtering or User Level Filtering icon on the main screen of your cPanel interface.

3. In the Rules “From” and “contains” or any set rules you wish for to discard the spam mail.

4. In this step may insert the spam mail “Return-Path” as per above example the spam email header is [email protected] and click “Create“.

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