A private cloud is a cloud service specifically provided to an organization. By using a private cloud, organizations can experience the advantages of cloud computing without sharing resources with other organizations.
There are two types of private cloud which are internal private cloud and hosted private cloud.
What is an Internal Private Cloud?

As mentioned above, internal private clouds are hosted in the organization’s own premises and managed internally by them. Unlike hosted private clouds, the organization manages and operates internal private clouds on its own. Usually, this means that they will buy a server, keep it up and running, and manage the software running on the server.
What is a Hosted Private Cloud?

Suppose a large company in Chicago, Illinois wants to run a private cloud. They can build an internal private cloud in the Chicago office building or let a third-party cloud provider host their private cloud. The third-party may be in a different area of Chicago, another city in Illinois, or even another state. Hosted private clouds are non-local, not local, which means that cloud servers are not physically located based on the organization that uses them. Instead, the cloud is managed and hosted remotely by a third party.
How is an internal private cloud different from a traditional on-premises data centre?
The internal private cloud is hosted inside the company, managed by the company, and can only be accessed by the company. In this way, the internal private cloud is somewhat like a traditional data centre. However, the internal private cloud is built using cloud technology. The private cloud server will run virtual machines to maximize the use of hardware. As a result, private clouds are generally more efficient, more powerful, and more scalable. If a private cloud can be compared with owning a laundromat, a traditional data centre is like having a household washing machine and dryer. In addition to virtualization, the internal private cloud also has the following features that are not available in traditional data centres:
Scalability: Internal private clouds are easy to scale, which means they can provide more services without any additional configuration by the IT team.
Self-service: Users can access the private cloud without IT assistance.
Broad access: All teams in the organization can access the required cloud resources.
Measurable: T can measure how much storage space and bandwidth are used and the number of active users accounts, and allocate cloud resources accordingly.
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